Trial Talk

Don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of our members-only online forum for attorneys and paralegals. This gateway allows you and your peers to exchange valuable documents and get advice from local experts, recent judge rulings, and more.
*Note: PBCJA does not have access to individual Gaggle mail IDs
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to participate in Trial Talk? Joining is quick and easy!
First, please send us a request through our Become A Member form here.
When you become a member of PBCJA you will automatically be added to the group in Gaggle Mail and sent a welcome email. You can access everything you need from your Member Settings page. This is where you update your personal details or unsubscribe from the group.
No, you don’t need an account; you can send and receive messages without creating one.
Messages sent to our group will arrive in your inbox. You can send a message to the group by sending an email from your regular email client (Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) to the group address.
You do need an account if you want to:
1. View the message archive
2. Send messages from your Member Settings page
3. Resend messages to yourself from the Digest
If you don’t have an account yet and would like to create one, just click the red “Compose” button or the “Messages” area, where you can choose a password and confirm your new account via email.
Visit the Gaggle Email Login page, click “Forgot password?” and follow the prompts in order to reset your password.
Sometimes our emails will appear as though they have been delivered successfully but just don’t show up in your (the recipients’) inbox.
The first thing to check here (after making sure that we have your correct email address on file) is whether you have any rules set in your inbox that have moved the message into some folder or other.
Next, it’s best to check your Spam or Junk folder to see if the message has ended up there.
As a member of a group, you can access your Membership Setting page in Gaggle Mail by following the My Settings link in the footer of every message sent via the group. You will also have received this link in the welcome email you received when you joined the group.
If you don’t have a message sent via your group on hand, you can go to the “Find My Groups” page, where Gaggle Mail will send you an email with links to all the groups you’re a member of.
Sending messages to your group is really simple.
You can either send an email to your group address (i.e. [email protected]) using your regular email client (Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, iOS Mail etc) which will then be forwarded to everyone in your group.
Alternatively, you can compose and send a message directly from the group administration panel in Gaggle Mail. At the bottom right-hand corner, there’s a circular red button that will pop up the compose window:
If you send a message to our group this way, you can include attachments of up to 10MB.
All messages sent via our group are stored in a fully searchable message archive which you can see in the Messages area of your group administration panel in Gaggle Mail.
Sending to a subset or an individual
You can also send a message to a subset of our group or a particular individual. You do this with Gaggle Mail’s Direct Message feature which is done by selecting the people you would like to send the message to in your Members area and then clicking the envelope toolbar button:
Messages sent in this way do not appear in the messages archive and replies come directly back to you (the sender) and not the group.
Attachments can be sent over your Gaggle Mail group just like with any other email. If you have the message archive enabled, all attachments sent via your group can be accessed from the Message archive or Files area.
Attachments can be up to 35MB each, with a total maximum message size of 100MB. All attachments sent over Gaggle Mail are virus checked.
For messages that are over 10MB, the attachments will be stripped from the message and replaced with links for people to click and download them. Also, messages you send to your group email address can only be up to 35MB. To send a larger message, you must compose it directly from your group dashboard page.
The message archive in Gaggle Mail shows all messages sent via our group. You can search the entire message archive with the search bar at the top of the page.
Messages are shown in a threaded view by default, where all messages in the same conversation are grouped together. This can be switched off by clicking the Settings icon above the message list and toggling the “Conversation view on/off” option.
Also, by default, the messages are shown in a split panel view with a list of messages and a panel showing the selected message. This can be toggled by clicking the list button next to the settings button.
When viewing a message, administrators have the option to; delete the message, resend the message, or switch to viewing the clean or raw version of a message.
The “clean” version of a message is shown by default and strips off all previous replies that build up at the bottom of long email chains. The “raw” version is the entire message exactly as it was sent to the group.
If you don’t want a message archive for your group, it can be completely disabled from your group Settings.
Trial Talk Rules
Membership in Trial Talk is a privilege of the organization and not a right. The Board retains the right to revoke the Trial Talk privilege of any individual as it sees fit. Neither the Board nor the organization endorses the opinions of the individual members of Trial Talk. Further, all persons are reminded that members who make comments through this e-mail group are still subject to the Florida Bar Ethics rules. Complaints regarding other members of Trial Talk for alleged violations of the rules of conduct for the group should be addressed to the Board for action. Trial Talk’s primary purpose is for the joint prosecution of Plaintiff litigation. Therefore, it is the position of the organization that all communications on Trial Talk are privileged work products.
Trial Talk’s purpose is to advance the representation of individual plaintiffs in personal injury and other civil litigation. The PBCJA, in sponsoring Trial Talk, aims to advance our practices through promoting the education and professionalism of attorney and paralegal members.
Trial Talk can only achieve that purpose if the listserv experience is inclusive and encouraging. Our membership includes seasoned attorneys with decades of first-chair trial experience, new attorneys who might need mentorship, and everyone in between. Regardless of an attorney’s level of experience, he or she is likely to encounter unfamiliar issues, and is likely to have questions about how to address those issues.
The PBCJA expects Trial Talk users who ask questions, and who respond to questions, to do so respectfully.
Please remember that you are sending a message to hundreds of recipients. We suggest that prior to posting a message on Trial Talk, you should read it twice to see if the hundreds of recipients will reasonably view the message as either (1) a respectful question that is related to the general content of the listserv, or (2) a constructive and respectful response to another user’s email. If your draft message crosses the line or is a “borderline” violation of any Trial Talk rules, it is suggested that you edit again before sending, or delete the message.
If you respond to a message posted by someone you don’t know, take special care not to say something that could be seen as demeaning or insulting to their intelligence. If you respond to a message posted by someone you know, and you use language intended for that person but which would not be appropriate for the entire Trial Talk listserv, it is suggested that you rephrase the email or send it privately to the intended recipient(s). In that regard, it is always a good idea, when drafting ANY email (not just to a listserv) to delete all recipients and leave the “To:” field blank until the message is ready to send. This practice will avoid many potential embarrassments in your personal and professional lives.
No one is expected to abandon his or her sense of humor. Be aware, though, that when you are joking, you sometimes run the risk of being misinterpreted or, worse, violating the Trial Talk rules, which prohibit messages that are offensive, obscene, demeaning, inflammatory, libelous, or derogatory (among other things). The rules will be enforced, regardless of whether violations are intentional. In order to ensure that Trial Talk remains true to its mission of being inclusive and encouraging to all members, the PBCJA Board of Directors will evaluate violations of Trial Talk rules by the effect they have, and not by the subjective intent of the user who posted a particular message.
Off topic messages, and replies to such messages, are violations of the Trial Talk agreement. There is no such thing as a proper off topic message, and labeling it as such in the subject line does not make it a proper use of the listserv.
These suggestions do not replace or amend the requirements of the Trial Talk Agreement, which all users are expected to read and follow. Rather, these suggestions are intended to remind all our members of some best practices in order to help all of us advance the goals of the PBCJA. We appreciate all members’ contributions to Trial Talk and hope that we continue to have a vibrant and helpful listserv experience. An updated Trial Talk Agreement is forthcoming.
TRIAL TALK MEMBER DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that in personal injury matters, my firm and I do 0% insurance defense work. I further agree not to share any information on Trial Talk with anyone that is not a member of Trial Talk. I further agree that if I am engaged to represent the defense in any action, the Board, at its discretion, may suspend my membership in Trial Talk during the duration of my representation of the defense. I agree that at no time should any member of Trial Talk comment on any litigation or issue regarding a case in which another member of Trial Talk is representing the opposing side. I agree to notify the PBCJA Board of Directors within 2 days of receiving a subpoena in relation to Trial Talk.